AI in Federal Government: Transforming Public Services with Data and AI

Wednesday, September 25, 2024 @ 2pm Eastern

Webinar Starts in . . .


About the Webinar

This webinar explores the transformative impact of AI and data in the federal government, focusing on strategies for improving public service delivery, managing vast amounts of government data, fostering interagency collaboration, and addressing the unique challenges faced by federal IT, data, and AI leaders. We will also explore future trends in AI for government applications and provide insights into how federal agencies can adapt to these evolving technologies.

You'll learn

Enhancing Public Services with AI: Discover how AI technologies are being integrated into federal government operations to improve efficiency, citizen engagement, and service delivery, along with the immediate benefits observed.

Government Data Management Best Practices: Learn methods for effectively preparing and managing large datasets within federal agencies to leverage AI tools successfully, ensuring high-quality data inputs for optimal results.

Future AI Trends in Federal Government: Gain insights into the future roles of AI in government operations, and the steps federal IT, data, and AI leaders and policymakers are taking to prepare for these advancements, ensuring sustained relevance and success.